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Thermography Inspection

Infrared is an invisible portion of the light spectrum. All objects warmer than absolute zero will emit energy within the spectrum.

The warmer the object, the brighter we see in an infrared thermal imager. With thermography, a problem can be observed without dismantling machines step can be taken to stop catastrophic failures which cause losses due to unforeseen breakdowns.


SLSPRO specialises in providing specialised services for infrared thermography inspection, together with a vast range of products and reliability maintenance solution packages.

The Advantages of Thermography Inspection:

  • See immediately which component is problematic
  • Locate mechanical and electrical problems quickly and accurately
  • Conserve energy
  • Improve safety
  • Assess even in areas inaccessible or hazardous
  • Reduce fire hazard
  • Increase productivity and profitability

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